Located in Brasov county as well, in the very heart of Romania, this plantation was established with the help of European project funding.

The process started with land preparation, the construction of the water basins, the irrigation system and the plantation of the actual seedlings. On the almost 4 ha of plantation surface you will find ecological blueberries , a variety which is harvested from mid-August until mid-September.

From idea to reality! We were thinking at this idea since 2010, when in Romania it was not so popular . We had some experience in the field but it took a while till we found the ideal land. The plantation was founded in 2019, on the prolific soils near lake Moacsa, in Covasna county. It is equipped with a small cold storage, with a 30 mc capacity.

The farmer is the only man in our economy who buys everything at retail, sells everything at wholesale, and pays the freight both ways.”


John F. kennedy

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